Action  Research  -  Arthritis and Rheumatism Council

Asthma Research   -  Brain Research Trust

British Diabetic Association  - British Digestive Foundation

British Heart Foundation  - British Lung Foundation

Cancer and Leukaemia in Childhood Trust (CLIC)

Cancer Research Campaign -  Cot Death Research

Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust

Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths

Friedeich’s Ataxia Group

Hearing Research Trust -  Imperial Cancer Research Fund

Institute of Cancer Research

International Spinal Research Trust - ME Association

Mental Health Foundation  - Migraine Trust

Leukaemia Research Fund - Lepra

Multiple Sclerosis Society  -  Muscular Dystrophy Group

National Association for Colitis and Crohn’s Disease

National Asthma Campaign  -  National Heart Research Fund

National Kidney Research Fund  -  National Meningitis Trust

Parkinson’s Disease Society  -  Peel Medical trust

Research into Ageing  -   Royal National Institute for the Blind

Smith and Nephew Foundation  -  Tenovus Cancer Research

Wellcome trust  -   Wessex Medical Trust

William Harvey Institute  -   Yorkshire Cancer Research Campaign

Motor Neurone Disease Association  -  Birthright Trust

Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus  -  Bradford War on Cancer

Ulster Cancer Foundation  -  Action Research for the Crippled Child

British Epilepsy Association  -  British Committee for Prevention of Blindness

Charles Hodgson Foundation for Children  -   Lister institute of Preventative Medicine

Leverhulme Trust  -   National Fund for Research into Crippling diseases

Nuffield Foundation  -   Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust


Write to specific charities if you are unsure of their policies or make donations stating that they be used for non-animal research only, giving reasons.

Withhold donations from charities promoting “humane research” to find “alternatives” to animal experiments as animal cell cultures are used and the “alternatives” are required to be validated against animal tests, which have never been validated in the first place! Question fund-raisers about the charity’s use of animals for research and use as an opportunity to inform them of the facts.


The following are PRO-VIVISECTION:-


Research Defence Society (RDS)

Research for Health Charities Group  (RHCG)

Seriously Ill for Medical Research  (SIMR)

Biomedical Research Educational Trust

Animals in Medical Research Information Centre

Medical  Research Council

British Association for the Advancement of Science

BIBRA (British Industrial Biological Research Association)

BIBRA Toxicology International is an animal research lab which carries out contract testing for companies who may not have their own testing licence.

UK Companies who are members of BIBRA:-


Boots plc

Bristol Myers Clairol

British Petroleum

Ciba Geigy

Fisons Plc

General Foods

Hoechst UK

Imperial Tobacco

International Distillers

Johnson Wax

Monsanto Plc

Philip Morris

Nutra sweet

Nestle Co

Procter & Gamble

Roche Products

Smith & Nephew

Smithkline Beecham


Akzo Chemicals

Borden UK

London Intrenational

Rayner & Co

Sterling Winthrop Group

Warner Lambert UK

Westbrook Lanolin






The Iris Fund for the Prevention Of Blindness

Living Again

Wolfson Foundation

Quest Cancer Trust

National Back Pain Association

Blond Mc Indoe Centre

Henshaws Society for the Blind

National Deaf Children’s  Society

Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust

York Against Cancer

Big C Appeal (Cancer)

British School of Osteopathy

British Institute for Brain Injured Children

Brittle Bone Society

Children’s Cancer Fund

Jefferiss Research Wing trust (AIDS)

St. Marks Research Foundation

Bath Cancer  Research Unit