For over 100 years thousands of medical doctors and scientists have
opposed animal experimentation in relation to human medicine:
Brandon Reines , DVM & revisionist medical historian "Psychology
Experiments on Animals" 1982
S. Peller, "Quantitative Research in Human Biology and Medicine"
"Vivisection is rooted in error, and when the truth becomes known it
will disappear."
Dr. Max Mader, G.P., Graz, 1908
"My own conviction is that the study of human physiology by way of experiments
on animals is the most grotesque and fantastic error ever committed in
the whole range of human intellectual activity."
Dr. G. F. Walker, Medical World, Dec 8 1933
"The idea as I understand it, is that fundamental truths are revealed
in laboratory experimentation on lower animals and are then applied to
the problems of the sick patient. Having been myself trained as a physiologist,
I feel in a way competent to assess such a claim. It is plain nonsense."
Sir George Pickering, Regius Professor of Medicine at the University
of Oxford, British
Medical Journal, Dec 26 1964
"Atrocious medical experiments are being made on children, mostly physically
and mentally handicapped ones, and on aborted living foetuses, given or
sold to the laboratories for experimental purposes. This is a logical development
of the practice of vivisection. It is our urgent task to accelerate its
inevitable downfall."
Prof. Pietro Croce, Pathologist, Italy: Member,
American College of Pathologists. ILDAV Symposium, Holland,
April, 1988
"There is no comprehensive animal model for humankind…. The truth is,
and always has been that the first clinical use of a new medication in
human patients provides the first reliable clues as to what can be expected
of it. Pre-marketing research on animals is a lottery: post-marketing surveillance
comes too late for the first human victims of side effects."
Dr. Peter Mansfield, G.P. Founding President of DLRM
Animal Experimentation in Medicine: The Case Against, May 1990
"I abhor vivisection. …..It should be abolished. I know of no achievement
through vivisection, no scientific discovery, that could not have been
obtained without such barbarism and crulelty."
Dr. Charles Mayo, Founder of the Mayo Clinic
" As an opthalmologist, I have no use for Draize test data because the
rabbit’s eye differs from the human eye…. I know of no case in which an
opthalmologist used Draize data to assist in the care of a patient."
Stephen Kaufman , M.D.
"Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a
fraud, and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in
their duties to the people who support them"
Dr. Linus Pauling (twice winner of the Nobel Prize)
Younger physicians, as described in a letter appearing in the prestigious
British medical journal ‘The Lancet’ (Moore,1986) "must say nothing, at
least in public, about the abuse of laboratory animals for fear of
jeopardising their career prospects………The pressure on young doctors to
publish and the availability of laboratory animals have made professional
advancement the main reason for doing animal experiments."
THEY SAID IT! (Quotes from the VIVISECTORS themselves)
"No animal experiment with a medicament, even if it is carried out on
several animal species including primates under all conceivable conditions,
can give any guarantee that the medicament tested in this way will behave
the same in humans; because in many respects the human is not the same
as the animal."
Sir Ernst Boris Chain, Nobel Prize winner
(stated under oath before a court of law investigating the Thalidomide
tragedy - from the court records for Feb 2 1970, quoted by Dr. Werner Hartinger
in "Civis International Foundation Report", No 11 p.3)
"Any new drug goes through animal testing and then it goes through clinical
testing on humans, and it is the clinical testing, as it’s called, testing
on human volunteers, first healthy human volunteers with very tiny amounts
of the drug, and then moving on to human volunteers with the disease in
question - that’s where you’ll pick up the side-effects; that’s where you’ll
find out whether it is going to work. Surely."
Dr. Mark Matfield, Executive Director of the RDS (Research Defence
Society, UK organisation set up by vivisectors to defend themselves and
their practices)
(BBC Radio 2, 19 April 1994)
In 1995 an AV wrote to Dr. Matfield, stating that medical progress would have been and still can be achieved without the use of animals. His reply:
" I AM SURE IT COULD BE. In fact, many areas of medical research do not use animals at all."(Emphasis added) (Official letter from Dr. Matfield, 14th July,1995)
"The guinea-pig, almost uniquely, is the one animal if you give penicillin
to it, it develops a fatal case of enteritis."
Dr. Mark Matfield
(as above)
"There is no basis for citing the effect of penicillin on guinea-pigs
as a prime example of species difference."
Dr. Jack Botting, RDS
( "RDS News" July 1995, p7)
[Obviously, the two vivisectionists were looking at different sets of vivisection results!]
"Animals are the only alternative for testing. But we stress that they never suffer during experiments." Mark Matfield, RDS (NOTW 27.6.99)
"In conclusion, at present there is no ideal animal model of chronic
asthma and such a seemingly complex disorder may be impossible to mimic."
[i.e. in animals]
Prof. Clive Page, RDS
(CP Page and E M Minshall, "Towards chronic animal models in of asthma",
in European Respiratory Review" 1995, 5:29, p.241
"The LD 50 is a crude measure of toxicology. There is really little
scientific justification for the test because reproduciblity is not good,
it can vary from day to day, and the results are dependent on the animal
strain used."
Philip Rogers, Managing Director of Hazelton Laboratories (a vivisection
"…..the best guess for the correlation of adverse reactions in man and
animal toxicity data is somewhere between 5% and 25%"
Scientific Director, Huntingdon Research Centre (UK)
( said at a scientific workshop held at the Ciba Foundation in 1989)
[That means that between 75% and 95% of the time, animal "safety" tests are erroneous and therewith a threat to human health!]
"I think we’re very concerned about that, because one of the issues
of transplantation from human to human is you actually transmit a lot of
diseases, and we have no choice in that, because it is a lottery."
John Wallwork, transplant surgeon at Papworth Hospital, Cambrigde,
and a co-founder of IMUTRAN, a company seeking to transplant animal
organs into humans
(BBC Radio 4, 7 Dec 1995)
"For example, response data from one laboratory sometimes cannot be
duplicated elsewhere because of a different strain of the same species,
variance in environmental conditions such as type and composition of diet,
biorefractories (contaminants) in the water, pollutants in the air, animal
care and /or husbandry, and others. The question then arises: Which experimental
findings and which reports are authentic and recognised as a basis for
an informed decision?"
Dr. H. F. Kraybill, vivisectionist
(Dr. H. F. Kraybill, "From Mice to Men", in Coulston and Shubik, (eds.)
"Human Epidemiology and Animal Laboratory Correlations in Chemical " (
Ablex, New Jersey 1980), p.31, pp. 21-22)
"These variations in response, needless to state, perplex the investigator.
In the nonprofessional’s mind, reading about these variations must conjure
up some doubts as to the authenticity of the work or the significance of
the findings." !!!
Dr. H. F. Kraybill, (Ibid. p28)
June 1999
(The above quotations are from "Vivisection Unveiled: An Expose of the
Scientific Valuelessness of Animal Experimentation" by Dr. Tony Page, UKAVIS
Publications, 1996, PO box 4746 London SE11 4XF)
Swedish Professor, Karl Johan Obrink
(Does this mean that it is ethical to use health animals and make
them sick?!!!)
"People can become distressed about hearing about experiments on dogs
and cats because many of them have a personal relationship with these animals
species. Therefore we are using more pigs as fewer people empathise with
these, so we avoid being discredited by the majority of people."
(a veterinary surgeon)
"All of us gathered here today have this in common, we are all friends
of animals!"
(A research director opening a so-called Research Animal Day)
(Is it normal to torture and kill one’s friends?)
"So-called scientists justify their use of animals in laboratories on scientific grounds, because animals are like human beings. But the same so-called scientists justify their use of animals in laboratories on ethical grounds, because animals are not like humans. They cannot have it both ways. Indeed this reveals the spurious hypocrisy of their defence of vivisection." Michael Sutcliffe, March, 1999
"And we must be aware that a lot of what the research community is doing is not what is wanted." Professor Alan Maynard, Hospital Doctor 16th December 1993 (p.6)
"Good surgeons know how to operate, better ones when to operate, and the best when not to operate……….The minute that a surgeon cuts the skin or a physician prescribes a drug, harm is done. The benefit of a treatment will have to exceed that harm before the doctor is doing good." BMJ, 6th February 1999
"….rarely a week goes by without another breakthrough being announced by our scientists and yet, so far, few appear to have made much impact in the clinic." David Weatherall, The Independent 30th August 1993
"The poor quality of data available before the launch of products is
BMJ, 17th Jan 1998
"Cancer Wars (a book) sees patients as the infantry, dying unnecessarily as cures fail to arrive and preventive measures are not taken; the victims of an ongoing conflict between politicians and industrialists." BMJ, 24th Jan 1998
"For the most part medical treatment today is not so different from that of 1965. The absence of progress applies primarily to drug treatments. The lack of effective medicine and the lack of major progress in so many areas in spite of billions of pounds…… are a disgrace." Hospital Doctor, 18th Feb 1999
"We still have a large number of patients for whom modern medicine has
little to offer."
W.G. Notcutt, Letter to Hospital Doctor, 6th
July 1995
"……..practical medical discoveries have arisen as much from the work of the curious physician as from that of the basic scientist……" Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London Vol. 27 No.4 Oct 1993
A spokesman for Porton Down confirmed that the centre had never conducted research into the common cold. The Journal (Newcastle), 18th March 1998. (So what were they doing to volunteers at the Common Cold Research Unit at Porton Down?)
"In the past there have not been models that would accurately predict the way drugs are handled I man before clinical trials. We are trying to develop computer models to allow predictions." Aberdeen Press and Journal, 1st Oct 1998 (Prof Wolf, Dundee).
"Our method is not confidential, and we need as much publicity as we can get, since there is a very strong commercial, political and scientific lobby to continue animal experimentation. This is very big business world-wide, and although most scientists who have examined our computer graphic approach to the safety evaluation of chemicals agree that it is more scientific than current animal experimentation procedures, they are unable to use this because of outdated government regulatory requirements and certain vested interests of industry.’’ Communication from Dr. D. V. Parke, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Surrey, 21st June, 1990
"The causes of 95% of illnesses remain unknown." Sunday Telegraph, Dr. J. LeFanu, 28th March, 1999
"Cancer….. has recently overtaken heart disease as the commonest cause
of death in the UK." BMJ,
13th Feb 1999
"Alcohol related illness cost England 145.5 million pounds in 1993. Smoking related illness cost 610million pounds in 1990." Hospital Doctor, 7th Aug 1997
"Two-thirds of the 30,000 known diseases are still incurable."
Bayer advert, Independent, 14th Nov 1994
"By conservative estimates, drug-related disease accounts for more than a tenth of hospital admissions." Hospital Doctor, 13th May 1993
"Since fewer than 1% of ADRs (Adverse Drug Reactions) are detected before product approval, new means of increasing the awareness of health-care professionals and consumers is a priority." Lancet, Vol 343, 29th Jan 1994 p. 286
"Between 1994 and 1995 the UK Government invested 11.7 million pounds
in research into heart disease, 3.5 million pounds in strokes, 13.5 million
pounds in cancer and 1.4 million pounds in Alzheimer’s disease - compared
with 23.2 million pounds for AIDS."
Sunday Telegraph, 30th September 1997
"Aged people may be less health today than in the past." Lancet, July 1st 1995
"As many as 80% of all published scientific papers are never cited more than once in other publications; and between 5% and 20% of all citations are by authors referring to their own publications. More than half of all published papers are never cited at al." BMJ, 12th Jan 1991
"Childhood cancer. Almost 60% of children with cancer now survive into adulthood, and the long-term side-effects of chemotherapy - infertility, second tumours and leukaemia for example - are therefore beginning to take their toll." From Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1992; 67:116-9, BMJ, 29th Aug 1992
"Most medical research is done by people who are not medically qualified…… A survey published in 1981 identified 10,805 medical researchers, of whom almost three quarters were not medically qualified." BMJ, 26th March 1988
"The tendency of authors not to write up studies that yield negative results and of editors not to publish them creates difficulties." BMJ, 18th Nov 1992
"…only 1% of the articles in medical journals are scientifically sound…."
BMJ, 5th Oct 1991
"Despite spending more than $800 billion a yea on health care the US
ranks only ninth in the world in life expectancy and behind all western
Europe in infant mortality."
BMJ, 28th Nov 1992
" Alcohol contributes substantially to as many as 40,000 deaths each
year, compared with estimates of 100,000 from cigarette smoking and 2,000
from cervical cancer."
Journal of RCP London, Vol 29, No. 4, July/Aug 1995, p.266
"The predictive value for man of toxicological testing in animals is
open to question."
Prescribers Journal, Vol.31, No. 6 1991
"The problem is….you will never know how the human being will react until you have the human test result. It doesn’t matter whether the dog dies or the cat thrives on it, you have to have the final solution where humans are subjected to the chemicals to see whether they work or not." Guardian, 29th Aug 1998
"When a new agent is marketed, its complete metabolism may not be fully understood. And, how can one judge whether the teratological data obtained in animal species with different metabolic pathways are relevant to man?" Lancet, 26th Jan 1991
"When we stop by the pharmacy to pick up our Prozac, are we simply buying a drug? Or are we buying into a disease as well?" The Sciences, March/April 1999
"About five years ago Americans noticed that something was missing from many large clinical trials: women." BMJ, Vol. 301 28th July 1990
"The toxicological profile in man will be established in the phase 1 clinical toxicology studies." Clinical Paediatrics, Transplantation, 1994
"The clinician can also contribute by identifying unexpected actions of a drug when it is tested in man. The discovery of beta-blockers illustrates this point, a fortunate observation for the patient and for the pharmaceutical industry." Prescribers Journal, Vol. 31, No. 6 1991
Compiled April 1999