Sacred Cows And Golden Geese - The Human Cost of Experiments on Animals
C.Ray Greek, MD and Jean Swingle Greek, DVM, 2000 Continuum
Foreword by Jane Goodall
The first book to demonstrate, in detail, that reliance on vivisection is not necessary. It is expensive, inaccurate and detrimental to the very species it professes to help- humankind.
Specious Science- How Genetics And Evolution Reveal Why
Medical Research On Animals Harms Humans
C.Ray Greek, MD and Jean Swingle Greek, DVM, 2002 Continuum
An unassailable case against the animal model as a logical and scientific basis for progress in modern medicine. The day is dawning for public outrage at the waste of research funds on outmodish and outlandish animal-based techniques that belong as footnotes in a history book.
Brute Science -Dilemmas Of Animal Experimentation Hugh LaFollette and Niall Shanks, 1996 Routledge
Thorough investigation and expose of the weaknesses in
both the standard defence and standard criticisms of vivisection.
Animal Experimentation -
A Harvest Of Shame" Moneim A. Fadali, MD, 1996
Hidden Springs Press
Dr. Fadali is a practising Vascular and
Cardiothoracic surgeon. From this standpoint he examines vivisection and
the problems it has caused for both doctors and patients. He takes us through
2,000 years of medical history to show that vivisection has done nothing to
advance, and much to retard, the growth of modern medical procedures and
knowledge. It is an important contribution to the growing weight of published
evidence which reveals the sham of vivisection.
In the chapter entitled "Vivisection Did Not Advance Medicine" he states "The claim that we owe most of our
advances and breakthroughs in medicine to vivisection is false."
Then goes on to set the record straight about the
origins of , for example, X-rays, heart function, anticoagulants, anaesthesia,
Amongst the ten more breakthroughs Dr. Fadali
lists which were made without animal research are: the understanding of human
anatomy and physiology, isolation of the AIDS virus and the discovery of the
mechanism of AIDS transmission , the relationship between smoking and
cancer and the production of humulin, a
synthetic copy of human insulin.
Lethal Laws Alix Fano 1997
Zed Books Ltd,
“Lethal Laws" is a thoroughly documented, scientific indictment
of the current addiction to animal testing and makes a compelling case for
companies to wake up to the non-animal technologies that exist and get off the
animal testing treadmill. Alix Fano
provides a meticulous analysis of the technical and scientific problems that
have plagued animal tests for decades , but which have
not been forcefully challenged until now. She shows how animal testing has been
used as an alibi to allow the continued use of thousands of toxic chemicals.
The book demonstrates the causal link between animal testing and environmental
degradation, and the subsequent deterioration of human health.
Naked Empress Or The Great Medical Fraud Hans Ruesch, 1992
CIVIS Publications
Fondazione Hans Ruesch
Via Accademia 19,1-20131,
"The heads of the Chemical-Medical-Vivisection Kombinat,
the Institutes of Health in all the industrialised, profit-oriented countries,
the mediamakers dependent on petrochemical
advertising or proprietors, and the leaders of the old-established animal
welfare societies are all partners in the monstrous conspiracy, designed to
keep any evidence of the disastrous effects of a veterinary-based medicine
under wraps, safe from public exposure."
This expose shows how the public has been brainwashed into equating medical
care with health. Practically no public funds go into prevention because there
is no money to be gained with it. The big money is all in the pseudo
"Research", done on millions of animals, which can only give
fallacious answers, and in the treatment of patients with the violent,
destructive, but immensely lucrative therapies imposed by official medicine.
Not more chemicals, but fewer chemicals, not an increase in drugs, but a
drastic reduction of drugs, not a multiplication of animal experiments, but a
total abolition of all such "alibi" experiments, are the inescapable
premise for a betterment of living conditions and an improvement of public
health. The book brings ample proof of this, besides unearthing some
information that many powerful individuals in
Slaughter Of The Innocent Hans Ruesch, 1983
The mighty and redoubtable Hans Ruesch deserves a special tribute for creating a whole world movement of scientific anti-vivisectionism thanks to this book. The late Dr. Walter R. Hadwen was the first to state repeatedly and unequivocally that the battle against vivisection can only be won if it is fought scientifically. Hans Ruesch, writer and medical historian, advanced the movement further by focusing on the tremendous dangers of vivisection for humankind and by highlighting those AV organisations that, either through infiltration, treachery or sheer intellectual laziness, refused to argue the AV case scientifically.
1000 Doctors Against
Vivisection Hans Ruesch, 1989
CIVIS Publications
"Reforms are started by fierce individualists, by heretics, deserters
from the herd, by fearless and therefore always small minorities. The advocates
of an abolition of vivisection on medical grounds, of which a goodly number are
listed in this work, today still represent a minority .
But what does it signify? Wisdom is not found by counting noses. Most of what
he whole world now admits to be true or takes for granted, and most great
social reforms which have proved immensely beneficial were originally advocated
by a small, derided minority -sometimes a minority of one."
All the doctors cited in this book contribute to the disqualification of the
vivisectionist method as being cruel, misleading, unscientific, and
counterproductive. Quotations range from 1824 to 1988 and include contributions
from both unknown and prominent members of the
medical profession.
Civis - Series of International Foundation Reports by Hans Ruesch
Civis - Bulletins Nr. 1 (1983) & Nr.2 - Infiltration (1988)
Civis - Answers
Questions on Vivisection -by Hans Ruesch , 1998
UKAVIS Publications
Experiments On Animals:
Useless And Cruel by Dr. Walter R. Hadwen,
UKAVIS Publications
Undoubtedly the foremost British scientific AV medical doctor of the early
decades of this century, Dr. Hadwen had the courage,
commitment, insight and knowledge to insist on fighting the AV battle, not
solely along moral lines but on the scientific/medical front too as he knew
that this was the only approach likely to yield ultimate victory. He was a
total abolitionist. Dr. Hadwen was equally against
the ‘need’ to search for ‘alternatives’ to vivisection. The "Dr . Hadwen Trust for Humane
Research" is in flagrant disregard of his condemnation of "constructive anti-vivisection" ( now
called "alternatives").
Dr. Hadwen wrote:
" We are being constantly urged to wander off
into various bypaths to the neglect of the main issue….. We are frequently told
that we fail in progressiveness because we decline to support or initiate
methods of treatment intended to take the place of those derived from and
sustained by vivisection. We are assured that vivisection should be supplanted
by substitutes, and that until we can present some system that will effectually
take its place, our campaign will be a
The search for "alternatives" is
claimed to be carried on by a number of organisations for "humane
research" and the funding is supplied by the tax payer, industry and those
AVs who still believe that vivisection will, step by
step, eventually be brought to an end by supporting such enterprises. The Lord Dowding Fund for Humane Research
was told flatly by the Government that the
"alternatives" would have to be tested on animals to see
if they were indeed alternatives.
Dirty Medicine Martin J. Walker, 1993 , Slingshot Publications
This well-researched book by an investigative journalist gives a history of
the worldwide attacks on complementary and alternative medicine which started
in the last century.
It exposes many of the secrets and mysteries that multinational drug companies
would rather remain hidden. In 1987 the Wellcome
Foundation obtained a license for the drug known as AZT, heralded by the media
and marketed by Wellcome as the answer to the AIDS
epidemic. With the marketing of AZT, the campaign against alternative medicine
was suddenly transformed from an academic dispute to a war. Dirty tricks,
industrial sabotage and character assassination replaced normal business and
scientific practice. Under the guise of government regulation, big business,
science and medical orthodoxy defended their products and profits from
"New ideas are disputed by those with both altruistic and mercenary
motives. Progress, however, is like the statues which
Michelangelo described as trapped within his blocks of marble: it will
eventually be released."
Vivisection Or Science- A
Choice To Make Prof. Pietro Croce,
MD, 1991
Civis Publications
" The vehemence of the opposition to a theory is often a good indication of its significance."
" Animal tests themselves have never had to be validated, yet the establishment demands inordinate validation of non-animal alternatives. This is a frustrating fact , but it only slows down and does not prevent the progress of compelling new technology."
"It is easy to forget just how often the ‘impossible’ has been achieved
by people working in small ways, each adding
their drop to the cup, for example, the collapse of apartheid, the end of
colonial rule in
"It is argued that humans are the most important species on earth and therefore have the right to vivisect. Are the pro-vivisectionists really saying that we should be less considerate of those who appear to have a lower intellectual ability? This shameless logic would justify experimenting on mentally deficient human beings"
In his book , Prof. Croce discusses experiments on human beings, which is on the increase: on elderly or terminal patients, living fetuses, kidnapped children, the military, illegal aliens, blacks and the mentally defective. Part Two describes the use of scientific methods, for example, computers, "in vitro" methods and others.
"Its (vivisection) influence has been powerful because it gave the illusion of being a short cut to clinical and anatomical/pathological observation. It is an illusion welcomed in these hectic days of the idolatry of Formula One and of travel by Concorde. It is like someone who, seeking a short cut through an unknown forest, cannot even find his way back home."
Vivisection Or Science- An Investigation Into Testing Drugs And Safeguarding Health Dr. Pietro Croce, Zed Books , 1999
(revised and updated version)
Animal Research Takes Lives-Humans And Animals BOTH Suffer Bette Overell, 1993
Produced for The NZ Antivivisection Society,
The dedication reads, "Fourteen years’ continuous struggle for justice
through the legal system having revealed every legitimate channel
systematically closed against us - this book is
dedicated to the brave men and women who challenge such injustice through civil
It exposes suppressed facts such as the growing medical movement against animal
experimentation, the injustice of the peer review system whereby animal
experimenters make their own laws and regulate their own activities, and the
colossal profits and academic advantages being made from the industry.
Its contents are constrained to rebutting the claims made in Animal Research
Saves Lives, a booklet distributed throughout NZ in 1990 by
MAF, part of a cleverly orchestrated campaign to combat the growing
abolitionist movement.
There are chapters dedicated to numerous specific diseases including polio,
smallpox, rabies and measles. Vaccinations are discussed along with
thalidomide, cancer, AIDS , heart surgery, etc. There is information about drugs and the law , diseases of
cats and dogs, the vivisection industry and endangered species.
"Without exception the advocates of abolition quoted in this work, and
even in the vivisectors themselves, who unwittingly
time and time again give a good case for abolition, do so on the grounds that
vivisection creates medical catastrophe. The writer has not discovered a single
doctor’s comment which condemns animal experiments
because they are cruel or infringe the rights of
animals. Perhaps they believe such considerations are self-evident. In every
instance doctors condemning vivisection do so because of their concern about
human health and the great dangers arising from basing it on the false premise
of animal experiments. I am indebted to these pioneers
and forerunners of the truth, who, having the courage to step out of line and
speak against commonly-held beliefs based on bigotry and brain-washing, fall
into the category of Galileo and Sammelweiss, the
former because he insisted the earth was round and not flat and the latter
because he ordered doctors to wash their hands before examining women in
childbirth. Because of the courage of present-day doctors defecting from the
established school of thought that vivisection brings health, it is now only a
matter of time before the institutionalised practice of using animals and
people as alibis to camouflage, sanitise and float despicable businesses in
order to beget tainted profits, is recognised as the international conspiracy
that it is , and overthrown."
(which Bette founded) has put the whole book (and the
background to the pamphlet that started it, and the reaction to her book) on
the net
The index page to the site is
Science On Trial
Dr. Robert Sharpe, 1994
Awareness Publishing Ltd., PO Box No. 533
"Science on Trial" presents a powerful body of evidence
documenting the failures, misleading results and missed opportunities of animal
research, citing over a hundred examples.
"Disasters, such as unforeseen fatal drug side effects, are never
connected to the ‘safety’ testing methods which delivered them into our
"If there is to be a more enlightened future, pressure for reform must be
combined with a new generation of scientists who no longer regard animals as
the disposable tools of research"
Vivisection Unveiled
Tony Page, PhD, 1996
UKAVIS Publications
"…..there must be some overriding scientific reason as to why these little rodents are chosen. Do they, for instance, possess metabolic and physiological processes which are uncannily well- matched to human ones? Are they anatomically the same as us? Do they possess the same psychology, the same social structures and interactions as ourselves? Why are they so widely used? chief among the highly scholarly and scientific reasons why rats are so widely used is because they are cheap, small, and easy to pick up!"
Dr. Page describes in detail how there are so many differences even between
different species of monkey, that results from one type of monkey cannot even
be applied to another type. Hence claims that veterinary medicine benefits from
animal experiments are given the lie.
A valuable addition to the growing mountain of scientific AV
The Use Of Animals In Medical Research: The
Wrong Path Dr. Tony Page, 1996
UKAVIS Publications
A booklet aimed at teenagers which seeks to put the
medical and scientific case against the use of animals in medical research. It
is written in question and answer form, for example:
"QUESTION: Can we cure human cancer by experimenting on animals?
ANSWER: No. Animals do not get the same kinds of cancer as us- the cancer in
laboratory animals tends to be in different parts of the body from human
cancer, and it usually does not spread to different organs or body sites, as it
does with humans. Also, cancer drugs tested on animals frequently do harm to
people- or simply fail to do much good. One researcher, Dr. Albert Braverman, said in The Lancet medical journal in 1991 that
chemotherapy meets with……" almost invariable
failure". These useless chemicals were of course thought to
be effective after being tested on animals. Moreover, chemical substances that
cause cancer in humans often do not cause it in lab animals. When one
researcher tested out on animals 19 chemicals that cause cancer in humans, he
found that only 7 of the 19 caused cancer in
animals - that is, a success rate of 36.8%. If you got that score in an exam,
you would fail. The researcher, Dr. David Salsburg,
even said that we would be better off tossing a coin and guessing which
substances cause cancer in humans rather than using animals- at least then we
would be right 50% of the time (a better result than we get from animal
tests!). "
" Change comes about when enough people make enough fuss and Parliament
cannot ignore it. That is how slavery was abolished. The law gets changed when
enough people make a clamour".
Vivisection -Science Or Sham Roy Kupsinel, MD, 1990
Published by PRISM, (People for Reason in Science and Medicine)
PO Box 1305
Woodland Hills
CA 91365
Vivisection- Science Or Science Fiction, 1990
by the PRISM Investigative Committee for Consumer Health
Animal Experimentation And Human Medicine, 1995
Why Animal Experiments Must Stop
Betrayal Of Trust
Fighting For Animals
How To Win Debates With Vivisectors
Animal Rights
Human Wrongs 1999
The Brown Dog Affair Peter Mason, 1997
Two Sevens Publishing
Cardiac Arrest Emil
Levin, MD & Diane Danielson, 1991
Animals In Medical
Research: A Necessary Evil? 1996
The Pharmaceutical Drug Racket
Animal Experimentation: The Hidden Cause Of Environmental Pollution? Absolutely! Hoorik Davoudian
Cancer, Cure And Cover-Up
Patrick Rattigan , ND,
1 Quarry Bank Rd
Cancer Epidemic -A Question Of
Survival P. Rattigan, 1996
Genetic Engineering Dream
Or Nightmare? The Brave New World of Bad
Science And Big Business
Dr. Mae- Wan Ho, 1998 , Gateway Books
Scientific Fraud Vs. Scientific
Truth: The Establishment Is The Enemy Of The
Irwin D. Bross, PhD, 1991, Civitas,
The Medical Mafia Guylaine Lanctot, MD, 1995 Here’s the Key
Psychology Experiments On Animals- A Critique of Animal Models of Human Psychopathology Brandon Reines, DVM, 1982, NEAVS
Heart Research on Animals – A Critique of Animal Models of Cardiovascular Disease Brandon Reines, DVM, 1985, NEAVS
‘Alcoholic Rats’ (and other alcohol
research using animals) - a critique
Problem Drugs by Andrew Chetley. The book is absolutely excellent.
The book deals with many drug scandals/drug problems/problem drugs and was
published by (amongst others) Zed Books Ltd and Stirling Books (1996).
The folks bringing the class action would have to be naive in the
extreme to not realize a major corporation of virtually any type was not
using a PR firm. It's important to get this info out, anybody truly
concerned should read minimally "Toxic Sludge is Good For You, Lies,
Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry" and "Trust us, we're
experts: How Industry manipulates Science and Gambles with your Future"
by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton,
ISBNs 1-56751-060-4 and
1-58542-059-X: <>
Dr H.M. Pappworth - Human Guinea Pigs (Pelican Books, London 1969).
Scientists For Global Responsibility have produced their new booklet
'Ethical Careers in Science & Technology' and it is available at:
See page 22 'Ethics and Animal Experimentation' by Gill Langley - rather
disappointing piece promoting the 3Rs.
The Betrayed booklet is now online.
It can be accessed at
It has 700+ pages and over 900
Trials: Scientists, Investors, and Patients in the Quest for a Cure
by Susan Quinn
©2001 Perseus Books,
In the summer of 1997 one of the UKs
biggest suppliers of dogs for
vivisection was closed by public pressure. Hundreds of dogs were released
into the hands of sanctuaries and rehoming
organisations to begin their long
road to a normal life.
Last year a book was compiled bringing together the tales of these dogs in
the aftermath of Consort's closure. It costs £4.50, 100% of which goes
directly to the campaign to close HLS.
If you want a copy of this historic book, contact Pat at:
"I am absolutely convinced that so long as people shed the blood
of God's creatures, there'll be no peace on earth."
--Isaac Bashevis Singer
The cover of ETERNAL TREBLINKA: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust,
by Charles Patterson, is now posted on the book's website:
The Controlled
Clinical Trial: An Analysis - By Harris L. Coulter PhD - Review of the book
of the same name, in which the author critically examines the usefulness of
randomised clinical trials. His thorough research reveals why the
"controlled clinical trial" (CCT) cannot guarantee drug safety and
Can Human Medicine Be
Based On Veterinary Medicine? - By Javier Burgos, SUPRESS/The Nature of
Wellness - Outlines basic arguments on why animal-based research is
counter-productive to human medicine.
A Critical Look at Animal
Experimentation - By Medical Research Modernization Committee - The animal
research community wishes the public to equate animal experimentation with
medical progress, but increasing numbers of scientists and clinicians are
challenging animal experimentation on scientific grounds.
DBAE's[ DLRM ]Third
International Scientific Congress - For the first time, lawyers joined
doctors to seriously question the validity of animal experimentation in
relation to human health at Doctors in Britain Against Animal Experiments's Third International Scientific Congress,
Why a Coalition of Doctors
and Lawyers? -Doctors and Lawyers for Responsible Medicine, an alliance of
medical and legal professionals, was formed out of Doctors in Britain Against
Animal Experiments's 1995 international scientific
Congress, at which medical speakers were joined by lawyers.
Cancer Research - A Super Fraud? - By Robert Ryan BSc,
CAFMR - Have you ever wondered why, despite the billions of dollars spent on
cancer research over many decades, and the constant promise of a cure which is
forever "just around the corner", cancer continues to increase?
if You Are For Organ Transplantation -By Javier Burgos, SUPRESS/The Nature
of Wellness - Argues against the madness of transplantation in general, and xeno-transplantation, or interspecies transplantation, in
Baboon-to-Human Bone
Marrow Transplant: Another Bloody Mess - By Hoorik
Davoudian BSc, SUPRESS/The Nature of Wellness -
Explains the absurdity and hopelessness of this FDA approved experiment.
A Guide to The Problems With
Animal-to-Human Organ Transplants - By Alix Fano MA, Murry J. Cohen MD,
Marjorie Cramer MD, Ray Greek MD, and Stephen R. Kaufman MD, Medical Research
Modernization Committee - There have been some 55 animal-to-human whole organ
transplants attempted since 1906. All have proven unsuccessful, resulting in
the suffering and death of all patients and donor animals.
Doctors and Lawyers
Unite to Oppose Transgenic Transplants - Doctors and Lawyers for
Responsible Medicine called for a moratorium on transgenic transplants.
Why Do
Pharmaceutical Drugs Injure and Kill? - By Robert Ryan BSc, CAFMR -Deaths
due to the intake of pharmaceutical drugs have reached epidemic proportions. Is
this because drugs are fraudulently tested?
Slow Learners Or What? - Excerpted from the New York Times -
Environmental regulation in the
Animal Experimentation: The
Medico-Legal Alibi - Dr André Menache, speaking
at the 10th World Congress on Law and Medicine, held at
How Scientific
are the ANU Monkey Experiments? By Robert Ryan, CAFMR - A refutation of the
scientific validity of primate experiments carried out the
ANU Monkey Experiments:
Science Or Science Fiction - By Robert Ryan, CAFMR
- More on the unscientific ANU monkey experiments.
Critique of NonHuman-Primate
Research At Yerkes: A Summary - By Murry J. Cohen MD, Stephen R. Kaufman MD, and Brandon P. Reines MD, Medical Research Modernization Committee - Those
who experiment on nonhuman primates have grossly exaggerated the role of
nonhuman-primate studies in medical progress and significantly minimized the
misleading data that results.
A Critique of Maternal Deprivation
Monkey Experiments at The State University of New York Health Science Center - By Murry J. Cohen MD,
Medical Research Modernization Committee - The relevance and importance of
maternal deprivation monkey experiments continue to be scientifically debated
because of conceptual and methodological flaws in the experimental design.
Ask This
Child's Mother What She Thinks of Animal Research - By CAFMR - Thalidomide,
a drug responsible for over 10,000 birth defects, is further proof that animal
testing cannot guarantee drug safety.
Thalidomide Tragedy: Another Example Of Animal Research Misleading Science
- By John Lesso, CAFMR - With the recent appearance
of Thalidomide's dreadful effects being passed on to the children of the drug's
victims, once again the issue has been raised of whether the drug tragedy in
the 1960's could have been predicted and thereby averted by the manufactures'
original animal tests.
Shortcomings of AIDS-Related Animal
Experimentation - By Stephen R. Kaufman MD, Murry
J. Cohen MD, and Steve Simmons, Medical Research Modernization Committee -
Animal experimentation consumes much of the funding for research aimed at
addressing the AIDS epidemic. The Medical Research Modernization Committee has
identified fundamental scientific problems with animal experimentation in
general and AIDS-related animal experimentation in particular.
Lethal Medicine 1997
Hidden Crimes
Supress Inc /The Nature
of Wellness